Frequency & Flow
Frequency & Flow
The Current | A break between sets
If you listened to last week’s bonus episode where I announced I recently took a full-time job, you might be thinking, "So what does that mean for you and your business?"
Well, let me cut to the chase: my business isn’t going anywhere.
However, I will be taking a nice break from this podcast for the next couple of months while I settle into my new normal of a full-time job, continue to serve my current clients in a way that supports my own energetic blueprint, and create the next evolution of my business.
In this episode, I discuss:
- A lot more about what the behind-the-scenes journey has been like over the past couple of months
- Where my head is at when it comes to the world of online business and what’s next as I head into this extended podcast break
- How my own human design has played into each piece of this.
Check out my free workshop series - Human Design Marketing Strategy & Business Alignment. Sign up here: https://www.breekuryk.com/human-design-marketing-strategy
Want to dive deeper into building an intuition-led business using human design & gene keys? Work with Bree: https://www.breekuryk.com/work-with-me
Get the visual version of the podcast by subscribing to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BreeKuryk